Monday, March 24, 2014

Make Money by doing Data entry

 How can we make money by doing Dataentry.  
               Hi Member,
Please read two to three times if you are really want to make money online.  Free Lance sites are best way to make money online.For Doubts clarifications in Free Lance sites Click here
 What are Data Entry Jobs?
 Data entry category includes simple jobs like: typing, online form filling, data collecting, image editing, document formatting etc. Any person who can operate a PC can do this work. All that you need is a computer and an internet connection. If yes, then please carry on and read this article; you will learn how and where you can get, 100% legitimate data entry jobs.   Making decent living at home: Wow, this is so awesome.   When we talk about online jobs, then freelancing sites are the best place where we can get these jobs. In case you don’t know about freelancing business, then I will quickly explain what freelancing sites are.   Companies all around the world need employees who can do their work, so they hire people and they pay them for the work they do. But there are many problems that company owners face. Like after gaining a little experience, people start to demand more pay. Or, they just go to some other company that offers them high salary.   Nowadays many company owners are using online freelance websites to hire people online. That’s right; they are hiring people on the internet.
 What is a Free Lance site?
 Free Lance site is a place where all data entry opportunities are placed here. Here is a list of top freelance sites.  Note: I suggest you open these freelance sites in new windows and you keep reading this article. This article will help you understand many things about these freelance sites. Without having the required knowledge about freelance sites, one cannot easily get data entry or other jobs at these sites. is a best FREE LANCE site besides this we are including some other FREE LANCE sites.At the end of this we are given how to join in RENTACODER website and how to get DATA ENTRY projects from this website.So you can follow same process for all other FREE LANCE sites also.   (GAF) [100% Free To Join]
 2.  [Free Membership Available]
 3.  (SL) [For The Option "Account Type"; Choose "Programmer" NOT "Buyer"] [100% Free To Join]
If you want to know about registration process, how to apply for jobs, how to communicate with buyers etc, then you can read this complete information. It’s not that easy to get work at the above mentioned websites. You need some guidance first, you need to know the basics; you need to know many things about these sites.
 If you apply for one project, then there are many other people (may be 2 other people, maybe 22) who will apply for the same project. So you need to learn, how you will get a project even with other people fighting to get the same project.
 Few definitions:
  Buyers: Are people who outsource jobs at freelance sites. They are the people who give jobs to freelancers.
 Service providers: These are the people who seek jobs at freelance sites. Like you and me. Service providers or SPs, do work for buyers and buyers pay them after the work is completed.
 Projects: At freelance sites, projects and jobs means the same. If I say “bid on a project”, then it will mean something like “apply for a job”.
 After buyer post projects, job seekers like me and you, place bids on these projects. One person may offer to do the project for $100, where other may say $95. May be some other SP will offer to do the work for $90. Now it’s up to the creator of the project to choose a winner among all job seekers.  
Let’s assume that you managed to win a project worth $50. The work is simple data entry job where you have to type content from scanned pages to word documents.
 You completed this work in 3 hours and then you delivered the completed work to the buyer. After delivering the work, you waited for the buyer to verify the work.  
After the verification, the buyer will pay you $50. Sometimes, buyers also pay bonuses [if they are pleased with your work].
  You will get this money [$50], in your freelance account. There are few payment options available at freelance sites via which you can transfer this money from freelance account to your bank account. Details about these options are explained later in this article.
 I have mentioned that working at freelance site is free and that you will never spend any money from your pocket to get online jobs.  
But when you get money, from buyers, in your freelance account, then there will be a small fee deducted from that money [the money you just earned].
 All freelance sites charges a small fee on the money you make. You do not pay this fee from your pocket. This fee will be deducted only when you will complete a job for a buyer and that the buyer pays you the money for the completed work.  
The fee which freelance sites charges varies from site to site. This fee can be 5%, 10% etc: it depends on the freelance site where you are working.   The reason for telling you the whole story is to prove that this system is %100 SCAM free.
You will never have to pay anything to anyone ever, from your own pocket.   The most amazing thing about freelance sites is that, it’s totally free to join them. You will never be asked to pay any money from your pocket at any point of your freelance career.
So then: Is there any SCAM involved here?  
Well, there is not; right?
  Freelancing sites offer 100% legitimate data entry jobs. There is no need to worry if your English writing skills are weak as you can still make money online at freelance sites via doing legitimate data entry jobs. You can find hundreds of these jobs at freelance sites every day. What kind of experience is required to do data entry jobs? No experience of any kind is required. Everybody can do data entry work. If you know, how to use a PC, then you are eligible to do this work.
 There is no need to think about any SCAM here, what I am telling you is %100 scam free. You only need to worry about scams when you are paying money from your pocket. But in this case, you are paying nothing.   If you still worry about scams, then after you earn $30 at a freelance site, you may stop doing more work. First request a withdrawal.  
This means that you will request the freelance site to send you your money. Once you receive the money [$30] from freelance site, I guess then you will not worry about SCAM anymore.   I said to first make $30. This is because the minimum amount that you can withdraw at most freelance sites is $30. You cannot withdraw $20 or $22 or any amount of money which is less than $30.
How will you receive your money?
There are many payment options available at freelance sites. Payment options include
Paypal  ,
MoneyBookers ,
Egold etc.   I suggest you to use Payza or Moneybookers, as these two payment options are the cheapest and safest of all.
 To find more information about payment options, please read the free online jobs guide which I have mentioned above. Just give it a try; you will not be disappointed
  Professional way to make moneyonline- Excellent way to make money online                       RENTACODER  ( or 
 Rentacoder is a site through which we can do the projects and earn money. It acts as a mediator between buyers and coders. Buyers are the persons who request the coders for doing the task. Coders are the persons who completes the task.
   1)How to create an account?
 a) Click login
b) Click on "create you free account".
c) Enter your email id and verification code.
d) You will receive an email with the temporary password. Copy and paste your temporary password.
e) You will redirect to "Permanent Password Setup" Choose your password.
 f) And select ok
g) Click  "continue on"
h) Select "My Bids".
i) In the left panel, you will find "Create a coder account", click on it.
j) Fill the form Screen Name: It is username in this site
Time zone: select (UTC/GMT 05:30)Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, Newdelhi
I affirm on penalty of perjury that I am:  Select  "Not subject to United States taxes" in Tax Information:Click on next button.  You will identify a pdf form (DON’T COPY THE PDF IT IS RESTRICTED) In 9th column "select option (a)" Sign here :with your username
 k) Click next
l) Select the box "and click next".
m) My Payment Options  Select Paypal and click next.
n) My Payment Options: PayPal Info Type the Paypal account. Select "My credit cutoff date" Payout Minimum:0%msg%nbsp; "It means if you receive 0.5$ then they will send it to your paypal account"; Payout Holdback/Carryover: "If you wish to keep a certain amount in your account from being paid out to you”
o) Alerts Click "next". Select 1,2,3 checkboxes in Alerts and click "Next"  We have to bid the project based on the competitors
p) My bid request filter Click next.
 q) Resume:
 Resume/Bio: Paste you biodata. "In your biodata, you should not mention your mobile number or email id".
 Areas of Expertise: In which language you are expert such as c, cpp, java, php, etc...
 Your photo/logo: Place you photo "Which gives you more chances for bidding".
Custom Bid Signature :
 It’s an optional.  
2)How can we get the projects?
 We can get the projects through bidding.
 3)Which type of projects can we get?
Every person can do the projects irrespective of technical and nontechnical background.
 i)The projects for the technical persons who had knowledge in the following fields  
 ii)The following are some of the projects for non-technical background  
a)Content Writing..  
4)Where can you find your earnings? In the left panel you can find  "My Coder Account". Click on it. You can find "Account Management" In it, you can find "My coder financials". There you can find your earnings.  
5) Where you can find the work? In the left panel you can find  "Newest open work". You can get the work by bidding.  
6) How can we get the project?  By doing bidding we can get the project. Bid means "how much amount you are charging for doing the work".
 i)Click on your selected project.
ii)There you can find the deadline of the project, bidding closing date and maximum amount to be bid for the project.
 iii)In the same way, you can get the buyer ratings(Before doing the project verify his ratings based on it start work)  
iv)Filling the form We have to fill the form by placing the bid. The form contains 5 fields.
 They are
a) Bid amount
b) Expert guarantee
 c) Comment
d) zip attachment
 a)Bid amount:It means you are charging for doing the work
b)Expert guarantee is an optional. For bulk projects it is essential.
 c)Comments relating to the project.
 i)How much time it takes to complete the project?
 ii)How much you are skilled in the project?  
iii)If possible you can send the sample work relating to the project.
 d)Zip attachment.   It is also optional.   It is used to send your completed work,
v)Click "MAKE BID/COMMENT" button.
vi)After this you have to accept the terms and conditions, and click confirm bid.
vii)Rent a coder charges 15% on the total bid or minimum 3$.
 For example: If you bid the project for 30$, then rentacoder charges 15% on the 30$ it means 4.50$, and you will get the money only 25.5$
     Bid amount                             30$  
Rent a coder charges (15%)  -4.5$
Net amount                              25.5
 viii)Click on the confirm bid.
 7)How many phases are there in Rentacoder to get the amount?
 a)In first phase, the buyer places the project.
b)In the second phase, the buyer selects the coder.
 c)In the third phase, the buyer has to make escrow payments, until then coder should not start the work.
d)In the fourth phase, the coder completes the project.
 e)In the fifth phase, the buyer has to accept it.
f)In the sixth phase, the coder gets his money.  
8)How the buyer selects the coder?
 The buyer selects the coder, based on the deadline, efficiency provided by the coder.  
9) Where you can find the messages from the buyer?
 In the left panel. You can find the "Account Management".
There you can find "My bids".  Click on it, you can find the details of your bids.  
10)How do you get the payments? You can get your payments through paypal.
 a) At the time of bidding, verify the buyer ratings.
 b) Buyer selects the coder, based on the deadline, efficiency, sample work, who bids the project with less amount.  Hi today we covered how to get and do DATA ENTRY works online and wait for next tutorial.In next tutorial we are introducing another opportunity to make money online. 

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